Hello 2024

I once again find myself wondering what the fuck happened, again.

I’m sitting at the crossroads of a dark tunnel, yet again, where there’s a void of the unknown ahead and more of this horrible darkness surrounding it.

Not going to even try to lie my way out of this one, I thought about just giving in way more times than I should have.

I want to be kind to myself again, and god am I going to try.

I found my muses – I want to draw! I am sure every last inch of doodle power I had is dead and gone, but I want to!! I want to write more. I want to sew again!

I want to be healthy. I want a body that I feel comfortable in. I want to cosplay, maybe?!

King accepts all of my oddities. I have great friends, and made a few new ones, and reconnecting with an old and dear friend!! I’ve left my comfort zone and it blew up in my face and I STILL THINK ABOUT HOW LOVELY SATAN CON WAS.

So I’m trying again, I’m really, really trying. I’m going to try to not judge myself against others. I’m going to throw all of my writing out into the world and not call it garbage! I will trip and stumble and FAIL and THAT’S OKAY.

I really want to be out of this dark tunnel. So, here we go, baby steps.


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